Friday, July 4, 2014

Bike to work

Bought a cycle... something I was looking forward to and dreading at the same time.

It's been over 25 years since I have ridden a bike... in and around gullies near my home in Bangalore. When I grew older I got too scared to ride around in India. The traffic, the total lack of lane disciple, the utter chaos in streets, and lastly... the soot in the air.

So the past couple of weeks, I have been riding all over London like a total noob. Crossing roads only if I don't see cars up to a mile away. Causing long traffic pile ups behind. Inviting stares, glares rather.

In India I would have been yelled and cussed at. I used to drive a car back in Mumbai. I hated people who held up traffic, couldn't decide on a lane, and blocked both lanes. Idiots who drive in slo-mo. All my frustrations released through loud incessant honking.

Today, I have become the same idiot I used to hate. I am probably annoying everyone on the road, and I do feel for them, they don't even honk!  People here just too polite. I appreciate that now.
I seem to be the slowest even among fellow cyclists. But hopefully as I gain confidence and stamina, I would get faster, and ride smarter as well.

I bought a Trek, under the biketowork scheme. It takes me a good 30-35 minutes one way from Islington to Aldgate. Fairly good exercise, (the only exercise I get). I'm really enjoying the experience, I like to ride in a leisurely pace, look around at all the houses and the parks. Quiet and empty streets with only the birds chirping.

Seems like I get excited by little things, but these are what I missed back home.


  1. You're very brave cycling in London! I used to live in Zurich where drivers understood cyclists and knew how to keep clear of them, Not the case here!

    Love your blog. It's full of interesting parts of London I have never been to (like anywhere north of Oxford Street). Coming from South West of London places like Camden and Islington are totally unknown!

    1. I think I seemed to have gotten this confidence after navigating through Bombay roads. Initially the big motivation was to save money but now I'm really enjoying the ride everyday.

      We did live in Wimbledon for a couple of months, it's beautiful. Big houses with large backyards and pretty tree lined streets. Picture perfect. But I guess it was too far away from the action.

      Oh, and taking your tip, my husband wants to go to Isle of Wight (Cowes) for a week or so I guess, just to get away from the noise and crowds and spend some quality time writing. He is working on a novel and really needs to run away to a secluded place.

      So any recommendation on inexpensive / bnb type accommodation?

      Thanks :)
