Thursday, February 20, 2014

Favorite things

It's the little things that bring me delight. The smile and 'good morning' greeting from the driver when I enter the bus. People saying 'thank you' as they walk out of the bus. It's the random stranger in the tube cracking a joke about the London weather. It's the car that halts and waits for me to cross the road, even on a red light. It's the live music echoing through the busy subway stations. It's another lost alien asking me how to get to Liverpool street,  and me giving instructions like I've been here forever. It's the guy who offered to carry my suitcases down a flight of steps. It's the free wifi in Starbucks that's actually fast. The Loyalty card, that works.

It's been a good week so far. Work is interesting. Seems promising. Caramel latte after a long day ( that ends at 5:30) is heaven.

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